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Thursday, June 12, 2008


The JW FLV Media Player (built with Adobe's Flash) is an easy and flexible way to add video and audio to your website. It supports playback of any format the Adobe Flash Player can handle (FLV, but also MP3, H264, SWF, JPG, PNG and GIF). It also supports RTMP and HTTP (Lighttpd) streaming, RSS, XSPF and ASX playlists, a wide range of flashvars (variables), an extensive javascript API and accessibility features.


You can download the player by clicking the button. It includes all the source files. A list of previous versions can be found below.
Down load click hear:


The easiest way to get going with the FLV Media Player is by using the setup wizard. Select an example, set the file you want to play and copy-paste the embed code to your site! If you want to learn more, here's the complete documentation of the FLV Media Player:
  1. All supported flashvars (variables) you can set to customize the player.
  2. All supported playlist formats you can use, plus some implementation info.
  3. A large list of all third-party plugins for the FLV Media Player.
  4. A tutorial on embedding the player in your site.
  5. A tutorial with all functions of the javascript API.
  6. A tutorial on adding captions and an audiodescription (accessibility).
  7. A tutorial on FLV encoding and video formats.


  1. JW FLV MEDIA PLAYER 3.16 web based player You can download the player by clicking the button "Down load click hear:"
