Open Font Library is a community for finding & sharing non-proprietary typeface designs.
Fonts shared can be downloaded for free or you can upload a font you created to share with others.
Although there are 10+ fonts presented in the website, this is the new face of Open Font Library where there are 150+ fonts to be transferred from the old website.
The website also hosts the fonts for free that you can include them to your webpages with @font-face rules (more details).
And, besides the free fonts, you can find information on how to design fonts, or how to earn money by designing them.
Fonts shared can be downloaded for free or you can upload a font you created to share with others.
Although there are 10+ fonts presented in the website, this is the new face of Open Font Library where there are 150+ fonts to be transferred from the old website.
The website also hosts the fonts for free that you can include them to your webpages with @font-face rules (more details).
And, besides the free fonts, you can find information on how to design fonts, or how to earn money by designing them.
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